Saturday, January 9, 2010

Special note to Ambitious1.....Checker Challenges..... Grazers

Every time I go to the grocery store, I leave thinking I need to be getting a paycheck from them. Why is it that I always seem to get in the line in which the checker has now clue of what any of the fresh produce is in my basket, or how to ring it up? They have those little cheat sheets that spin around and give them the code number for everything…but those are useless. They are useless because the problem is not that the checker doesn’t know the code…they don’t know what Fennel is, or what whether I have a cucumber or zucchini, or whether I am trying to buy butternut squash or acorn squash. I end up having to tell them what it is so they can scan it. I mean it is not like I am buying really weird stuff…like those fruit things with the spikey horns, or one of those melons that look like a dinosaur egg.

  This is just not right on many levels.

                                       Are those varicose veins...on a melon?

I am not even sure why I waited to go to the store on a Saturday anyway. It is the worst possible day to go. It is always busy and standing in line is not on my list of “favorites”. Not only that, but you have to deal with all the Grazers. Grazers are the people that go to the store on Saturdays for the sole purpose of visiting each and every “free sample” station they can find. These people do nothing but block the aisles…for what? A cracker with smear of some new processed cheese product on it? Or a toothpick stuck in some meat substitute? Or a 1 oz cup of stale granola? I mean really… seriously?

Ok… enough ranting for today.

Oh…I almost forgot… I gained a new follower today…Ambitious1. Hopefully she will read this…

Ambitious1, your blog is good and I am now following….but you need to check your “post comments” link. It doesn’t seem to work, so no one can leave you comments. And since you said you began following me because of the meaningful comments I have left on a  blog we both follow… I would like to be able to give you some comments…K? So get the link fixed…now…I’ll wait…

1 comment:

  1. LOL Hopefully you won't have to wait any longer!! I "think" I fixed it...I'm new to this blogging thing so I'm not sure. Thanks so much for making me aware of the problem though! I never would have known!

    I was happy to be able to check your blog out this week...since I was away, I feel like I've been stuck in the matrix and missed a bunch of stuff lol.

    I agree re:the grocery store checkers AND the weird looking food. Speaking of which....I'm going to post some on my blog right now!
